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Project Based Learning Overview

  • Project-based learning (PBL) is a model that organizes learning around projects

  • Projects: complex tasks, based on challenging questions or problems, that involve students in design, problem-solving, decision making, or investigative activities

  • students work relatively autonomously over extended periods of time

  • projects culminate in realistic products or presentations

Fun Facts

Student Choice 


Because students are driving the project, they must be in charge of deciding what they want their project to be about. 


When students drive decision making, they attach themselves to the content and develop ownership and responsibility for their own learning.


There are many ways to inspire students in the decision making process. One way is through the inquiry process and providing thought  provoking community experiences for your students.   


Elements of Project Design


High quality project based learning follows a cycle of continuous inquiry and reflection which results in upward growth and understanding.


Projects aim for depth not breadth.  This means that students continue to question their understanding of the one topic over a long period of time (usually one or two semesters).


As students add more experiences, they refine their understanding and are able to make quality, informed choices. 

Not a classroom project


PBL is distinguished from a classroom project. Be careful to understand the difference!


The benefits of PBL can only be reached through the format and understanding of true, authentic project based learning.

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